Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just posted some pics from my second day in London. Great trip. Actually I miss it a lot...!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

News, ONLINE SHOP: Collars !!!!

Chicos, la página por fin funciona, solo teneis que hacer click aqui, o en "SHOP" en la columna de la izquierda
Estos son algunos de los collares que he hecho y aunque aun faltan algunos por subir foto he pensado en venderlos, son diseñados y hechos a mano por mi, con mucho amor :-)
Si tenéis cualquier pregunta podéis mandar un email a sloutfits@hotmail.com y enseguida os contestaré. Espero que os guste la idea.

PD: Habrá más colores, incluso me podéis dar ideas vosotros.

Guys the web page is now working, what you only have to do is to click here or in "SHOP" in the left column.
These are some of the collars I've made and even there are some left without picture, I've thought of selling them. They are designed and handmade by me, with lots of love :-)
If you have any question just send an email to sloutfits@hotmail.com and I´ll answer you as soon as possible.
I hope you like the idea.

PS: There´ll be more colours, you can also give me ideas!


Big thanks to my dear cousin, he helped me and support me a lot with the online shop stuff, <3.

Y solo durante la primera semana podréis disfrutar de un vale descuento del 10%, que podrás utilizar en todos los articulos y compras que realicéis, pero recuerda, Solo vale hasta el 24/04/12!!

And only during the first week you can enjoy a 10% price off which you can use in all articles and orders that you realize, but remember, is only valid until 24/04/12! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

LONDON week, 1st Day.

Believe us when we say this week has been the craziest week of our lifes. We literally haven´t stopped.
These pictures are from the first day of our trip, as this is a fashion blog we are posting our outfits separetely so you can see them clear and we can update more often.
For the airport day I decided to wear my red converse shoes, leggings, confortable navy tshirt and my furry brown coat.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

New baby, 2.

As you guys know I love doing collars, its something that relax me but also let my imagination fly.
These pictures were taken last weekend, with the sun warming, so I decided to let the fresh air touch my new baby.

Right now we are packing for London, yay!! We´ll be a week there. Any recomendations or advices?

Have a lovely week <3


Monday, March 5, 2012

Exciting News!

Hola Chicos! Como habéis podido leer en nuestra pagina de twitter, SL'S Outfits va a tener una pequeña tienda online. Desde que los cuellos 'Peter Pan' tuvieran tanto éxito, he decidido venderlos en todo el mundo. Podrás empezar a comprarlos en unas semanas, es una gran oportunidad para ti , piezas únicas y a precios realmente buenos. Manteneros informados!!
Podrás obtener un descuento del 10% durante la primera semana. Estas siguiendo ya a @SLOutfits en twitter?

Hey guys, as you may read on our twitter page, SL's Outfits is going to have an online shop. Since the peter pan collars were such a successes I've decided selling them worldwide. You will be able to buy them in some weeks, it's a big opportunity for you, unique pieces and in really good prices. Stay tuned guys!!!!
You will be able to get a 10 % discount the first week. Are you following @SLOutfits already?


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Y el comentario ganador es....

Chicas, aquí va el resultado del sorteo, hemos utilizado un programa que saca números aleatoriamente y para que sea más justo no hemos pulsado el botón de Calcular ninguna de las dos.
Hay 27 comentarios en el post pero dos de ellos no son válidos, asi que el sorteo va sobra 25.
El número ganador ha sido el 8, y el comentario número 8 es: "mmissmoi", asi que enhorabuena Irene.

Nos pondremos en contacto contigo.

Muchas gracias por participar, esperemos volver a hacer otro pronto, igual cuando haya 300 seguidores.. quien sabe jaja.


Vintage hat.

Since the first moment I saw this awesome hat I felt in love. It's from mi mum and since she doesn´t use it I will do it. That's the first time I wore it and I love the result. I styled it with a white shirt, my Levi´s shorts, grey tights and my leather booties. Do you like the result?
